Free Hardware and Software Demos - Y2K Computer Bug, Horizons

Download Free Hardware and Software Demos!

Time is Running Out!

Fix your
Y2K Bug
before it
fixes you!



The only Y2K solution that fixes both
hardware and software

Note: Two separate download files are needed to test both the hardware and software. After downloading the y2ksoftware.exe, stay on our site - or return, and then download the y2khardware.exe. Also, we recommend creating a sub-directory on your C:\ drive called MBug and then place these downloads there. This will not only give you quick access for running, it will also allow you to make copies of these files to give to a friend.

Download these free diagnostic tools

Free Demo Software
If your not prepared, your PC could blackout in the Year 2000. Your hardware, BIOS, operating system, and software all have potentially serious Y2K conflicts. Millennium Bug 2000 Fix not only searches and locates these conflicts in your computer, it repairs them quickly and easily. In fact, Millennium Bug 2000 Fix is the only Y2K solution available that tests and repairs both hardware (BIOS, CMOS and real-time click) and software conflicts.

Screen Shot of Program

Please download the Hardware Demo and the Software Demo following the instructions below!

Software Demo
Download a free demo of Millennium Quest's Millennium Bug 2000 Fix Software.

You've already invested thousands of dollars in your PC's hardware and software. You've also spent countless hours and effort creating files that are valuable to you. Millennium Bug 2000 Fix is an innovative software solution that will find and fix the Year 2000 problems in your PC software applications. With it's proven ability to fix potential Y2K problems in applications created with Visual C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, MS-SQL, Oracle, Access, Paradox, Fox Pro, dBase, Excel, PowerBuilder, Sybase and more, Millennium Bug 2000 Fix has been established as the industry leader in repairing the Year 2000 Bug in PC software. Protect your hardware and software with the most comprehensive Y2K solution - Millennium Bug 2000 Fix.

Note: It may be advisable to print this page for reference. You will then have instructions handy for both, hardware and software procedures.

To test your software, please follow these steps:

  1. After reviewing these steps, and preferably printing them, click on the link below to initiate download. When you are prompted to Open or Save to disk, choose Save to disk. When prompted for location, we recommend Desktop or at least the same directory that you placed the hardware fix.
  2. After downloading, double click on the icon placed on your Desktop called Y2ksoftware, or go to the directory where you stored it and run the y2ksoftware.exe. Once you do that, a PKSFX window will open to allow for automatic extraction of the zipped (compressed) file. Notice the default is to extract to the :\windows\temp directory. If that is where you want the files, then go to bottom left of PKSFX window and click on extract.
  3. Go to Start, Run and Browse down to the windows\temp sub-directory and open Setup.exe, then OK the run window.

To download the software demo select the following link: y2ksoftware.exe (1.14 MB)

Hardware Demo
This is a light version of the real program. It will test 2 of the major problems associated with computers today. To download please note these instructions and select the link located at the end.

NOTE - This is a comphrehensive test that includes a power down and power up cycle. You will need to have ready a blank, formatted, floppy disk to use in drive A:

  1. After reviewing these steps, and preferably printing them, click on the link below to initiate download. When you are prompted to Open or Save to disk, choose Save to disk and pay close attention to location. We recommend Desktop so you can simply go there later and double click on an icon. (Note: Do not save it to A: drive, our utility will do that)
  2. After downloading, double click on the icon placed on your Desktop called Y2KHARDWARE, or go to the directory where you placed it and run the .exe file. This will start the extract process and open the DOS window.
  3. Read the DOS window when it opens, carefully. You will see that it now prompts you to put in a blank floppy in your Drive A: and press enter.
  4. After completing step 3 and pressing Enter, the files will be copied to your own Hardware Test Floppy that you can use on any system (and make copies of). To RUN the test simply power down the system and reboot, leaving the floppy in Drive A:

To download the hardware Demo select the following link: y2khardware.exe (234 KB)


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